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ActivityHero Affiliate

How it Works

By signing up, you agree to the ActivityHero terms of service & privacy policy


Fill out the form to receive your custom link


Save it as a bookmark and share it with your community


Start earning instantly! Get 5% of each total purchase

The simplest way to earn money

for teachers

for bloggers + social media groups

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ActivityHero Affiliates

ActivityHero is the #1 choice for activity providers nationwide

Affiliate Rules

  • Customers must use the affiliate URL to make a qualifying purchase. To earn the 5% fee, the customer must complete the registered class. Affiliate earnings are reported and distributed on a monthly basis when earnings are at least $50. You may not refer yourself. Users may not participate with multiple or fake email addresses or accounts using fictitious identities or use any system, bot or other device. We reserve the right to cancel or refuse to issue referral payments in connection with any referral whom we suspect to be fraudulent.
  • What is an ActivityHero Affiliate?
    An ActivityHero Affiliate can be an individual, group, or organization interested in raising money by promoting classes and camps on the ActivityHero Marketplace.

  • How do I use the ActivityHero Affiliate link? 
    Instead of visiting to shop for classes and camps, use the custom URL you receive once you fill out the affiliate form at the top of the page. Share this link with friends and family to get rewarded on qualifying purchases. The best way to save your custom URL is to save it as a bookmark or as a favorite in your web or mobile browser.

  • What purchases qualify for the 5% reward? 
    Any class or camp purchase on the ActivityHero marketplace with the affiliate link qualifies for the affiliate reward.


for parents

for PTA / PTO groups

NOTE: If you are a teacher who wants to run your own classes or camps, become an activity provider and you'll make more money.